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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Nostalgia for the new year. I have never been one to reflect only on the past year, but rather all the years I can remember. I love to reflect on change, both for good and the bad. I will not be wrapped up in the world of Nick and Jessica or be consumed by all that is CNN. To not appreciate all those we come into contact with each day, may lost in typing this Bolg and the various iPods that dart the auditory landscape.
I recently had the opportunity to ask a 94 year old women, What is the most amazing or beautiful things you have seen in your life? Her answers floored me. First, she said the refridgerator. She remembers the day the had a fridge in the house and no longer had to worry about the iceman bringing supplies for the icebox on the porch. She said this really eased the cooking duties in her house. Her second answer truly through me for a loop. She said the cell phone. She knows that so many people driving and talking can be dangerous, yet added how beautiful it was that people can connect at any time. The cell phone would have brought so much more time with her mother and sisters that she never had.
This year I hope my vision can be so broad that I could also see cell phones as beautiful. HAPPY NEW YEAR!